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Making Ready-Mix Concrete Producers More Profitable

The #1 Business Performance Optimization Platform for RMC

Trusted Partner Of RMC Producers



















































C60 Can Help You

AI Business Performance Optimization Platform
Take Action On Opportunities




C60 is leading the industry putting RMC specialized AI agents to work for you by augmenting your team helping them take action on every opportunity 

Optimize Your RMC Business




Do what today's CRM and operational systems can't and optimize your RMC businesses performance, eliminate margin leakage across your entire value chain including materials, batching, delivery and sales with C60 Business

Unify and Leverage Your Data




Breakdown data silos and unify your data, from batch, dispatch, telematics, QC, invoices, material costs and more with C60's unified data model turning your ready-mix data into clear insights for smarter decision-making

RMC Leaders Making An Impact In Their Businesses

Turnkey is a word that is abused or over used but this was as turnkey as you can get. The C60 team are not just technology experts but RMC experts. They know the business, they've lived it. We're looking forward to the future. The best piece of advice I can give is don't wait.

watch Jeff on K-Factor


Jeff Brown

President & General Manager | Elmhurst Chicago Stone

Finding quality talent is tough. You can't be everywhere at once, you need data. C60 came along at the perfect time. I don't have to go look for this stuff. All the data is available. We didn't have to go figure all this out. I can see what needs my focus right on the home screen. C60 allows me to focus on the business.

watch Jeramy on K-Factor


Jeramy Croell

Co-Owner | Croell Inc.

Our mission is clear, make RMC producers more profitable, by delivering best in class technology for RMC business performance optimization with a team of RMC experts that understand the challenges RMC producers face.

We are grateful for the trust and partnerships we've built with all of our customers including Jeramy at Croell Inc. and Jeff at Elmhurst Chicago Stone as we continuously focus on delivering on our mission.

You can hear from Jeff, Jeramy and more on the C60 podcast K-Factor.

C60 K-Factor Podcast

Ramy Sedra

CEO | C60

See What CRM and Operations Systems Can't

AI beyond reports and dashboards

C60 Eliminates CRM and operations system silos replacing the fragmented views of your RMC business, created by traditional reporting and dashboard approaches, with end to end business performance optimization AI

See the $ impact of every margin leakage opportunity

See the levers available to you on each opportunity

See your options to action every opportunity


Getting Started Only Takes A Few Minutes

Easily connect your systems and data to our safe, secure, and reliable cloud using our pre-built connectors for leading RMC software systems like Command Alkon, Marcotte, Jonel, Sysdyne, MPAQ, Universal Connector API and more.

Convert Margin Leakage Into Increased Profit

$55M +

In margin leakage opportunities identified and counting!

$7 /cby

Average margin leakage identified for all producers

$10 /cby

avg. margin leakage identified for producers below 500K cby

$6 /cby

avg. margin leakage identified for producers above 500K cby

$160k /year

Customer saved by reducing cost of service leakage

$10K /month

Customer saved by reducing batching leakage

$125K /year

Customer saved by reducing delivery leakage

C60 software for RMC producers

Built by RMC producers for RMC Producers

Forget one-size-fits-all solutions. Our platform was built to meet the exact requirements of RMC producers.


RMC Technology Paired With RMC Experts

Get one-on-one sessions with our team of RMC experts

C60 delivers AI-powered business intelligence with clear, dollar-quantified actions. Our RMC experts work alongside your team to apply insights directly into daily operations—helping you capture more margin and improve profitability. 

Driving the RMC industry forward in association with:

Connect to your systems

Connect to your systems